Limited Offer GTmedia GTS pro android TV box 6.0 receptor DVB-S2 Satellite tv Receiver support iptv m3u cccam bet with FREE Worldwide Shipping!

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Product description :
GTmedia GTS pro android TV box 6.0 receptor DVB-S2 Satellite tv Receiver support iptv m3u cccam better than gtmedia v8 nova
Ship from Spain,2-5 days delivery,No tax.
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1, Android 6,0 TV BOX + DVB-S/S2 tuner.
2, las adiciones XC preinstaladas. (KD15.2)
3, 4 K/3D/H.265/MPEG-4 películas soportadas.
4, Amlogic S905D 2 GBRAM + 8 GBROM
6, Wifi incorporado 2,4g + BT4.0, 802.1.1b/g/n
7, Netflix, chat de Skype, Picasa, Youtube, parpadeo, Facebook, películas en línea, etc.
Package includes:
The Pack includes:
1 x gtmedia GTS pro combox Box
1 x HDMI cable
1 x user manual
1 x remote control
1 x Power Adapte
GTmedia GTS pro android TV box 6.0 receptor DVB-S2 Satellite tv Receiver support iptv m3u cccam bet :BUY HERE
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